Topic Teasers
The integrated management system – Tools for executives
Today it is state of the art to integrate the requirements and recommendations for the various parts of an organization to manage it successfully and sustainably. To achieve this management system standards and management standards are available. Their concept focuses on integration in a holistic management system for the enterprise. („comply.“, Issue 4/2022, pgs. 22–25)
download PDF (GERMAN)Three Steps Starting Effective and Efficient Risk Management according to ISO 31000
Nearly at the same time as the publication of DIN ISO 31000:2018-10 (the adaption of ISO 31000 as a national standard by DIN in Germany) a handbook explaining the standard and the first steps starting an effective and efficient risk management was published. Not only small and medium-sized enterprises are given a quick access to the standard. The bilingual publication will also be specifically useful for stakeholders working in an international environment. Risk management is essential for good and responsible corporate governance.
download ABSTRACT PDF (GERMAN) download ABSTRACT PDFFeasible risk management for SMEs
With DIN ISO 31000 SMEs receive a cost efficient and effective tool for the implementation of a holistic risk management. The concept of integration into the organization's management system supports the use of the standard: risk management is no longer a time consuming additional task but a chance to enhance the processes of the enterprise.
download ABSTRACT PDF (GERMAN) download ABSTRACT PDFISO 31000 Upcoming as German DIN-ISO Standard
After publication of ISO 31000:2018 DIN is now working to adopt the standard as German DIN ISO 31000 in the short term. The standard was improved considerably; most notably it became easier to understand by reducing down to the fundamental concepts and the use of clear, generic language maintaining content and structure.
download ABSTRACT PDF (GERMAN) download ABSTRACT PDFDigital Transformation outperforms Smart City concepts
While megacities are still fighting for the title Smart City the concept might already be outperformed – apostil to the Berlin Economic summit 2016. The impact on everyday life of the Internet of Things already goes way beyond the Smart City and the megacities have to scramble jumping on the bandwagon on time.
download PDF (GERMAN) download PDFRisk Management in Management System Standards of DIN and ISO
Slides for the opening lecture on the »Basics of Risk Management and the Risk Based Approach in Management System Standards of DIN and ISO« of the seminar on »Compliance and Risk Management« staged together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Henschel at the faculty FB III of the University of applied Sciences HTW in Berlin in the summer of 2016.
download PDF (GERMAN)Focal point interoffice service orientation
Boosting service quality with job satisfaction by means of a development process.
Employees will work together in a service oriented manner and produce higher quality output!
download PDF (GERMAN)Communicative competencies of the workforce
A program enhancing external service orientation!
The dimension of self assurance will rise with the ability to resolve problems amicably.
download PDF (GERMAN)Compliance in real estate
The Corporate Governance Kodex of the German real estate industry dated September 2010 and its five cornerstones of ValueManagement.
Inventory and evaluation of existing standards!
download PDF (GERMAN)Managerial responsibility
What does up-to-date leadership require so that it will help empowering employees today for the challenges of tomorrow?
Competently exemplifying leadership responsibility!
download PDF (GERMAN)Presentations and Articles
Leadership is essential – Resilience of an enterprise
ISO standards help to organize the enterprise resilient, to establish its business continuity management and an effective and efficient risk management and to give due consideration to the social responsibility of the organization. (SOZIALwirtschaft, Issue 6/2021, pgs. 7–10)
download PDF (GERMAN)Issue – Disruption – Crisis: Crisis management using DIN EN ISO 22361
In February 2023 ISO 22361 became a German Standard. Its title is »Security and resilience – Crisis management - Guidelines« and attempts to establish clarity among the terms issue, risk, crisis and disaster and provides guidance with principles, elements and a process for managing an organization preparing for a crisis or as the case me be in a crisis. (DIN–Mitteilungen, Issue 2/2023, pgs. 16–19)
download PDF (GERMAN)A short introduction to effective and efficient risk management according to DIN ISO 31000
DIN Academy conducted a short WebEx workshop to introduce DIN ISO 31000. With this standard ISO 31000:2018 was adopted as a national German standard. The introductory tutorial addressed the questions »what is risk« as well »what is risk management and why does it make sense«. Structure and content of the standard were described in a nutshell. The slides used in the workshop (in German) are made available here.
download PDF (GERMAN) view WEBINAR (GERMAN)The risk based approach in ISO 19600 and risk management in line with ISO 31000
The essay in the issue 01/2016 of the journal for compliance officers „comply.“ examines how compliance risks can be managed within a risk management system aligned with ISO 31000 and which are the specific processes to comply in this context.
download ABSTRACT PDF download PDF (GERMAN)Risk Management by ISO 31000 in Germany
The presentation with Prof. Dr. Alexandar Jovanovic on Steinbeis-Day September 26th, 2014 shows the different positions on ISO 31000 in Germany and recent developments. ISO 31000 has an exemplary role in risk management, that shows international best practices.
download PDF (GERMAN)»Estimation« in Risk Management
The definition of risk in ISO 31000 is disputed in Germany. It is very broad and needs interpretation. Note 5 to the definition includes implicitly a (subjective) estimation of objective Information. Held at the ISO 31000 conference in Toronto in May 2013.
download ABSTRACT PDF download PDFISO 31000: Awareness and Situation in Germany
DIN Mirror Committee to ISO/TC 262 was skeptical with regard to ISO 31000. Accordingly it has decided to withdraw the draft E DIN ISO 31000:2011-0 after its two year tenure. Parallel to the »early review« by ISO a new assessment will be made.
download ABSTRACT PDF download PDFCOCKPIT 3.0: Risk management in
complex socio-technical systems
A system can work perfectly in a test environment and not perform as well as soon as the human factor becomes relevant. The crucial question to ask is which trade-off between efficiency and thoroughness the user will accept.
download PDF (GERMAN)ISO 31000 and DIN - Memo for G31000
DIN ISO 31000 which adopted ISO 31000 unchanged was published in 2011 as a draft solely for examination and comment. In the end, in Germany, there will be no DIN ISO 31000 norm. The draft will be recalled after its two year term which will end in January 2013. A brief summary of the official reasons:
download PDFOrganization in real estate management
The requirement for management is to oversee the employees: plannung - organizing - supervising !
Avoiding organizational negligence - all relevant business processes should be documented in an organizational manual.
download PDF (GERMAN)Human Factors, Mangement and Risk (an overview)
What does ISO 31000 say about human factors? Addressing human factors is at the core of Management and Risk. Complex systems require complex Human Factors Management. A simple systemic approach might be a humble but good start!
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