Auxilium Management Service - Executive Summary

Number 7 (2012 - May):
Risk Management

At least since 1998 it is an indisputable part of regular management or good governance assisting in achieving the company’s objectives and necessary to evade liabilities due to organizational responsibility; since 2009 ISO 31000 as an international standard establishes the principles that need to be satisfied to make risk management effective and makes recommendations for a process that is an integral part of management... – topics:


ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - principles and guidelines

Risk inventory

Enterprise control

The complete paper in German can be downloaded as PDF:

download PDF (GERMAN)


Resilience, Integrated Management System and Business Continuity

While not all risks, crises, emergencies and disruptions can be avoided each organization can strive to be prepared as best as one can. – topics:

Integrated Management System
Business Continuity
Processes for a BCMS
Management Disciplines supporting Resilience
download PDF


»Profiting from the US Marketplace:«

(Don Keysser, Minnesota - )
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Auxilium: Our U.S. Commercial Partner Don Keysser of Hannnover LTD. in Minnesota asked whether you are »Making the right Choices?« He talked about reasons to decide for the U.S. market, key issues when doing so, distribution channels and financing. (on Oktober 15th,2014 at Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute, Berlin)

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